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Hungry? Reward yourself.

Earn every time you eat, drink, or slurp.

A person taking a bite of a salad from a fork
Tout the first reward once you download the app
Tout the first reward once you download the app
Tout the first reward once you download the app
Tout the first reward once you download the app
Tout the first reward once you download the app
Tout the first reward once you download the app
Tout the first reward once you download the app
Tout the first reward once you download the app
My rewards


Download our app and unlock 

freebies and perks like [TK] and [TK}.

you'll crave

Enjoy personalized challenges
and games with in-app orders.

The App

How it works

the app

Just Salad app icon with App Store and Google Play icons

Save time by
ordering ahead

Screen shot of the Just Salad app

Enjoy tasty
digital exclusives

Screenshot of the Just Salad app

Rewards questions answered.

A question goes here about rewards lorem ipsum?

Lorem ipsum dolor set amit...

A question goes here about rewards lorem ipsum?

Lorem ipsum dolor set amit...

A question goes here about rewards lorem ipsum?

Lorem ipsum dolor set amit...

Detail photo of a salad made with avocado, egg, nuts, carrots, onions and lettuce.